Thursday, July 22, 2010

Improving? Dedication, Hardwork, and Practice!

For anyone to succeed at a task, which could be taking a test or playing a basketball game, what is needed? Dedication, hardwork, and most of all practice are three characteristics that you can control for the amount of success you want to have.

The Fitness Gram Testing has assigned a curl-up for you to do. This is a modified sit-up. This is only one way to do a sit-up. There are a lot of ways you can do sit-ups. The only way you will be able to improve your score in this assessment is if you apply three easy words: dedication, hardwork, and practice. You use your core in everyone activity you do. It is vital to your success in sports and having a strong core gives you an edge over other athletes.

When talking about the core, you can exercise that everyday because you use it daily. If you were trying to improve and do more push-ups, you wouldn't want to do them everyday. You would need your body to rest and recover from the workout. There are many different ways you can workout your core. The more diverse the exercise is the better it will be for you.

There are many variations of sit-ups you can do to streghten the core.

1. Sit-ups 2. Sit-ups on an incline bench
3. Sit-ups with calves over bench 4. Incline leg raises
5. Leg raises 6. Cycling 7. Dumbell side bends 8. Broomstick twists

You can also do different variations of planks and using a medicine ball in your core workouts, too. We will be doing some planks and using the medicine balls in class to work on the core and I will be holding classes in the gymnasium from 2:30-3:30 every tuesday and thursday, just concentrating on the core. The classes will be intense, so bring plenty of water or gatorade.

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